Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Aerial Dancing

One of my goals for 2011 is to build up my core strength and get my entire body back in shape...not just running shape the whole thing, arms, butt, mid-section you get my drift. I will say I have absolutely NO desire whatsoever to join a crossfit or boot camp class...great for those that enjoy them it's not my story and therefore, I will never achieve this entire body back in shape goal I'm after...Now, for some that know me, my biggest dream in life is to be a solid gold dancer. I know they cancelled the show way back when, but I've never lost hope to be one.

A gal I didn't know before tonight, but I've followed her blog for the past year posted about aerial dancing. I thought this is the ticket, just what I need to do to work on the whole body and it incorporates dancing...something I love. What is aerial dancing...let me give you some visuals.

Ok, I don't look anything like that at the moment, but I think in 12 weeks there is hope. I'm not gonna lie my lower abdomen already hurts. I don't know what I expected from a first class but I think we covered some ground tonight. I did imagine hanging upside down, which I got to do and it looked like this:

It's amazing how the silk can just hold you in place. We also climbed those things like monkeys...wow, have I got some strength building to do. Can't wait to see what we do on Thurs.


Austin Eavesdropper said...

Oh my GAWD! I loved it. I thought the first class was going to be info-only. Man was I WRONG! I can't believe we learned little tricks and stuff. Now I am looking up fancy tricks on YouTube!

Katie, you were killing me when we were all leaving tonight --"oh great, another cult. Me and my ideas." LOL! Good thing we made it in (and out) alive.

dr mel said...

How fun!

(And, I am happy to see that you are blogging again)

Unknown said...

@Tolly, we covered a lot of ground 1st night. I'm actually nervous about tonight...my arms HURT! Not sure I remember how we did what we did on Tues. Should be fun!

@Mel- thanks! We'll see how the blogging goes...writing is NOT one of my gifts;-)