Monday, December 04, 2006

1 Day Down

Alright- so mission accomplished this morning! I'm proud to announce that Wiley, Banana and myself met at the Hike and Bike Trail for a run. It was one cold friggin' morning. Wiley wanted me to tell him a story but my face was so frozen I couldn't move my mouth to talk. Once I dropped Wiley and the dogs off at the footbridge I started to get some feeling back in my hands. Dear goodness am I glad I dug the headband out of my ears would have fallen off otherwise.

So hopefully this Monday morning thing can become a regular Monday morning run. We probably need to tell Banana to be there by 5:55am...which means 6:00am for normal people. We love you anyway just the work thing;)

1 Day Down- 2 hard quality work-outs and a LAB on Sat. We can do this!!!


Jane said...

You definitely need to tell me to be there by 5:55am! Maybe 5:50...I'm just saying, you guys have me pegged.

Proud of you. Proud of me. Proud of Wiley. Let's make this a regular Monday thing!!

Maybe it won't be as cold next time.

Mike said...

I ran at 4pm. After my nap. But trust me, after the 7 days of fun fun fun it was very hard getting up for the run. But not as cold.

Unknown said...

That is just wrong!!! Let me pull out the violin for you.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm impressed. Good work. I want to join you next Monday! --sj

Erin said...

5:55 on Mondays? Sounds fun! Keep it up Katie. :) You will definitely kick ass if you stay committed!

Lulu said...

If you guys don't mind, I'd love to crash a couple Monday mornings! (Just don't let Wiley tell you that last time we were supposed to meet at 5:45AM I stood him up)

Unknown said...

Come on out...not too worry 5 min. then we leave you;)

We have to tell Banana to be there by 5:50 so she'll show at 6am. Do you need that too?

Lulu said...

No I can pretty much make it on time if I'm going to make it at all :)