Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Once Upon a Time

There was a nice pleather bound journal waiting to be written in once the current journal was full. It wasn't a fancy journal, but I really liked the pages of the upcoming journal. No big deal, it was sitting off in the corner where my stock pile of books to be read sat.
via Google Images

 This morning Bronco and I went on a run. Normal morning for us, and the only way Bronco can roam the house (aka not stuck in a crate all day) while I'm at work. This routine keeps him from eating the mail, pillowcases or whatever weird things he comes across.
Then there was today. I open the door and Bronco rounds the corner. I know immediately he's chewed something up. He rounds the corner then goes all ninja to the ground, creeping backwards with his ears down. Oh, boy I'm wracking my brain to figure out what he ate while I was away. I thought if he ate the new car seat liner prior to being installed I'm going to be an unhappy Mama. Nope, not the car seat liner. Bronco chooses to hang under the dining room table while I investigate. I go into my bedroom and low and behold the lovely pleather binder is a chewed up ball of slobber mess. See for yourself.

And the guilty party is...

Wha'd up, ready for my walk now:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

katie, that puppy looks just like maggie! remember when she "unwrapped" all the christmas presents. shirls was none too happy! can't stay mad at that