Sunday, June 10, 2007

3 Bitchy Volunteers

Let's just say Joey got 3 bitchy volunteers this morning for the Rogue water stop. At times some may have considered this an understatement;) It was the Brendas and me. 1. Brenda- a.k.a M. 2. Brenda- a.k.a 5'10". Just to keep you from getting super confused.

Our morning started at a whopping 4:30. Get to M's house where 5'10" is picking us up. Both 5'10" and I discuss that we wore our sports bras in order to change...poor M couldn't understand our conversation at all. This will make more sense in a bit. Sorry, M but I'm throwing your 'lil ass under the bus.

When one volunteers for a triathlon you may consider taking out cots to your area the day before much like the athletes take their bikes the day before the race. If you're not at body marking you will definitely have time to catch a few more z's before you're put to work.

First things first we go to volunteer check-in to get our much "needed" t-shirt. 5'10" and I were smart enough to plan ahead for the change without frightening the other women participants (don't ask me why it's an all female race). M, wasn't comprehending our earlier discussion on the sports bra, therefore we got the luxury of being blinded by the brightest & whitest bra I have ever seen in my lifetime. For sure if she's ever lost she can use the brighty whitey as her mayday signal. Ok, this gave us a good laugh...sounds like we're alive at this point.

Well, good thing we got to our water station when we did...we only got to sit around for about 2 hrs. The funniest thing is we have a few "over water achievers" who were itching to fill water cups at 6:30am. Come on people the race doesn't even start until 7 am and we are at mile 2 of the RUN!!! Again this gave us 3 bitches a good laugh.

Finally, we've got some athletes. M and I are ready with our water cups. M looks at 5'10" and says "don't you wanna get some cups???" 5'10" looks at her with utter disgust "uh, NO!" As if she could be bothered with such trivial things. This may have been the funniest thing ever.

Next on the list is my inability to release the water to an athlete. I was always taught to make eye contact with the water person so they knew you were taking their cup. Apparently, triathletes are very zoned. It may have been the 2nd gal to come through and she didn't have the look of "I'm taking water from you" so once I turned my head she decided to make a go for the cup in my hand which happened to be the same time I was rescinding my offer of water. Oops, hope it didn't mess up her time too much. At this time I realize I'm going to have to work on my release techniques. (Side note I've decided to wean myself off of caffeine- today may not have been the best day to start) Again the Brendas and me are in a fit of giggles because we can't get a pass-off rhythm and challenged probably isn't a strong enough word to describe us.

My favorite thing at races is a picky athlete. I have finally found my release water groove and as I'm passing to a gal she looks in it and says there's no ice. Are you kidding me??? NO WATER FOR YOU (Soup Nazi style). I swear people say the darndest things.

I'm real sure by the time we got to Freebirds for lunch I stunk to high heaven...get me a shower!!!


MW said...

How funny!
: )

"Excuse me but this isn't the nice crushed ice like at Sonic. What's up with that?"

Kris said...

This is hilarious, Katie! Remind me not to do a race where you're a water stop volunteer! ;)

Unknown said...

Kris- you should be safe but I definitely was a little soft on this post. There came a point when we would whisper you need to pedal a little faster up that hill;) They still had to transition then run to our water stop.

It was a long day!!!

md said...

way to be an awesome water Nazi volunteer Katie!! I love it!

Joey said...


You and the Brendas are awesome. I think I now owe you 3 ritas and a grilled tilapia with porno mango salsa. Let me know when to start the grill.

I can't say thanks enough times! You all made the Rogue stop #1 yet again!


Missychel said...

I think mimosas are in order for the next stop. if so count me in for bitch # 4:)