Saturday, June 09, 2007


Whew! What a jam packed 1st week in school it was...way too much. So many projects that sleep was at a minimum, therefore, last night was all about catch up time. 10 full hours, ahhhh. Granted it had a lot to do with my practice ride for the UT cycle study and not being able to eat/drink anything (except for water) until 1pm. I felt like I had the worst hangover of my life without any alcohol being involved. Yes, that really is strange.

If I stop and think about this week of school which apparently is the equivalence of 1 month in a regular semester it's been fun. I have put together joints, built structures and am now working on reversing a picture. The structure stuff has been the most fun for me, and I'm proud to announce I haven't cut-off any body parts yet;) I think my favorite cutting material at the moment is the bass wood. Possibly because it looks most like unfinished wood. The chipboard was relatively easy to use as well, but I could only find it in a grey color and I really like color options.

I will admit time has not been on my side this week and it won't be on my side next week either. I got the bright idea of signing up for bartender's school that started this week too. What was I thinking??? It will be done next Friday then hopefully I can breathe/sleep again. What am I doing for a work-out at the moment? My cycle study and that may be it for 1 more week...I could have sworn summer was about good lazy fun. Clearly there is something wrong with me;)


MW said...

For a moment there, you sounded like Ostrich.
; )

Mike said...

Was it the putting together joints thing?