Tuesday, October 09, 2007

E-mail Response

My response to C's e-mail today.

Do you dare ask how I am???

It's safe to say this has been a meltdown week for me and it's only Tuesday;)

1 flunked test in AutoCAD- he said it would be easy but funny I think my test was written in Chinese.

Rendering (perspective drawing class)- we always have a sh*tload to do in here, but i enjoy the class so I usually don't mind. this is the class i broke down in...lucky male teacher. thank goodness he likes me.

thursday- test in building codes. i'm skipping 1 class for sure tomorrow in order to study. there has to be something wrong with that statement???

aren't you glad you asked;)

I believe it's safe to say school is kickin' my arse!!! I honestly don't know how people pull this off. I'm going to make this happen!!!


holly said...

For 3 semesters I though I wanted to be a Chemical Engineer. I had to learn autocad and I was horrible at it. Horrible. I feel your pain.

md said...

your classes sound tough girl! hang in there. let me know when you have a break so we can have a well deserved margarita!! :-)