Monday, July 16, 2007


I have quite a few random thoughts that run through my head constantly...none related to the other the majority come from observations I make throughout my day.

Today I'm at the Green Muse studying to take the practical part 0f my bartending stuff as you can see I'm holding my part for the procrastinating I love to do. 2 posts in 1 day. Note- I'm technically certified to bartend but finding a job in this industry is a tad tricky hence the reason I went to a bartending school- so they could find me the job. Back to the random. I'm sitting in a corner with an outlet (need new battery in order to be unplugged) and the majority of the place is empty with tons of places to plug-in and/or sit. There is a gal sitting in the comfy couch next to me sharing my biggie. Random dude walks in cases the joint which is somewhat empty and he chooses the chair next to me which will sandwich me in to my corner. If I need to get up for anything I either need to perform acrobatic movements or bug him everytime I need to go to the bathroom. Yes, this random thought totally boggles my mind.


Mike said...

I'll have a whiskey and water, but where?

Missychel said...

yeah.....where are you slingin' drinks?