Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dog Love

How can you not love this face?

We've been together for over a year now and everything has been going peachy. We've made friends, run tons of miles together, play dates at Zilker, it's been a fun year together. However, the past 2 months Bronco has become very aggressive towards anyone dog or human he doesn't know very well. I can't figure out what went wrong. We had a trainer come to the house and work with us, but things are escalating. We get lots of exercise, a run in the morning before work, a walk right after work and a walk after dinner. Not sure what I've done wrong, but this guy is headed to a 4-week training camp. Cross your fingers we can get set straight. Don't worry, I know I'm the one needing training more than him. I'll have my sessions after they work with the B. Let's hope we can survive this next month 'til he takes off for his training.

I really couldn't pick just one.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh, man. I'm so sorry. I know how tough that's gotta be. That's part of the reason we got puppies this time.. we figure anything wrong with them, it's our fault. And then there's stuff wrong with them. :)

Very proud of you for doing the hard but responsible thing. It'll make both of you much, much happier in the end, and he won't remember it.

And this is but one of the many reasons I will never have human children.