Friday, November 21, 2008


It's quite possible I'm the last person to know this about myself but if I'm not let me tell you the 2 major idiotic things I managed to do in 1 day...

Thursday am I opted to forgo my work-out since I have been dealing with a minor cold and really can't risk it getting worse with my 'A' race around the corner. So I decided to 'sleep in.' For starters this is a bad move on my part. Tuesday/Thursday are school days for me so my day starts at 4:30am. It sounds crazy but I'm used to this routine and can follow it well. Today with the decision not to get up at 4:30am really jacks with my I hit the snooze button so many times I'm at a loss for how long it takes me to get out of my house and to my 8am class on time. The beauty of being a student I don't have to bother with a shower or painting the face;-) Now I have to have enough time to make my coffee, pack half the house and get down to San Marcos.

So I start making my pot of coffee like normal, or so I think it's like normal. I know it takes a bit to brew but seriously what the heck is going on??? there's a smidgen of coffee in the pot but it's not looking to make anymore than the smidgen. Dear goodness coffee pot don't fail me now...if there's ever a day I need some serious caffeine help it's today. I go over to see what the problem is. I open the part that holds the ground coffee and notice it is not even wet from water passing through it. I'm perplexed on this one. After staring at the coffee pot for a good minute, I realize it is not going to tell me it's problem so I start trying to figure this thing out. Apparently, this thing needs water in order to make the coffee??? You heard it hear first one must add water to pot for it to brew FRESH coffee. Idiot moment take 1.

On for my next idiotic moment...this semester involves a 2-hour break after my first class. I've always used this break to go to the gym, lift weights and shower for my next class. Ok, so today was just skip shower but definitely get in the weights. Remember I didn't go to my morning work-out so my stink was at a low, or so I thought;-) When I said my morning routine was whacked I was not playing around. I have a system that my body can follow on automatic pilot...when pilot is lost other people suffer. I'm working on some leg lifts and I'm sitting there trying to remember if I put on deodorant. I kept reminding myself but the whole coffee debacle really threw me off...oh, no please tell me my automatic pilot did this for me...I'm totally sniffing to figure this out. Bad news... I grab my wallet, leave mid-work-out, leave stuff at gym and sprint to the student center. I already stink but at least I'm outdoors now. I go buy deodorant and immediately rush in the bathroom to cake this stuff biggest fear BO...that stuff is awful. Idiot moment #2.

And this is how I ended my school week...


Priscilla said...

It's ok, this just means your SB III for tomorrow will go without any qualms and everything will flow nicely... like fresh water in a coffee pot :)

JohnF said...

I did the same thing with my coffee this week, except it was mid-afternoon and I remembered the water but not the coffee. Took a few sips of the creamed water to figure out what was missing.

Shorey said...

I have forgotten water with my coffee many many times! And I've also forgotten deodorant on occasion, as well.

I'm anxious to hear about your race!!!! Looks like you did well!