Sunday, February 10, 2008

Here we go...

And so it first studio project is due on Thursday and well, I have a long way to go before it's ready for presentation. I did finally finish the perspective part of the project and let's just hope this was the most time consuming part of it. It took 18 hours to draw...I now get to shrink it from 24"X36" to 8"X11".

I realize this is hard to see since it's a pencil drawing right now. This is the den of a house we are remodeling for our project. I've got quite a few sleepless nights ahead of me a test to study for and a paper to write...I heart school;-)


Buzz said...

Nice drawing.

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie,

This is Dan in San Francisco. Nice drawing! How is school going? Alice and I will be in town for ACL, so maybe we'll see you then.
